Friday, December 01, 2006

Roadshow nightmare

Things are really hellish at sitex. It's crazy! It's*&^&%^& seriously. You bleed non-stop becoz u accidentally cut yourself or your nails crack due to rough friction. Your legs feel like collapsing at any moment because there you have little rest. You get to pit your aural skills against unreasonable customers. And u tio gan every now and then becoz the goods u sold dun tally with what is left. You stay up really late trying to count the same exact stocks again and again becoz a different number of items appear everytime u count finish. You pray that you can catch the last train at 11.45. You are *&^(&*&^*worried becoz u realise that 10 2 gig USB flash drives are missing when you swear that have last seen them 1 hr ago. You lament at how poor your maths (16 times 8 gives you 100?) and your memory is . You lament also at the stoopidity you display during the show like how do to use a price tagging machine. What's the difference between USB hub 2.0 and USB 1.1? Sigh! stress indeed! These are really the woes of running a roadshow for a noob like me.I really learnt a lot. The last 2 days of sitex exhibition will be sat and sun! Even more stressful if u think about the no. of ppl that will turn up on these 2 days. I need to get as much rest as possible. Cannot afford to tio gan again...Tomolo will indeed be very xiong.

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