Monday, March 17, 2008

Nice chinese oldies

醉花 by 蔡幸娟

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Frens driving frenzy

Lately, my friends have been scrambling to get their hands on the much coveted driving licence. Not surprising, some of them already possessed it and are now eligible to cruise on public roads. I forsee that in the near future, there will be even more friends signing up for driving course as getting a licence is the 1st step to owning a car in their never ending 5 Cs chase. This is indeed a contrary to the past, whereby only the well to do can afford a car due to the high tax payment. Now, as singaporeans become increasingly affluent, educated and materialistic, owning a car is considered a normal and easy thing to do. Everyone in the rat race wants it.

Our dear Gahmen is not blind to this problem. They are not oblivious to the amount of cars currently present on the roads, and they just keep growing and growing. Road hogging, jams and accidents are more prevalent then ever before. Now, a trip along PIE to your destination will be more time consuming since there will be a jam on the expressway every now and then. The Gahmen has been trying to curb this problem recently by introducing more ERP gantries and capping the amount of cars that can be sold every year. Although it did help in some extent, i still believe that more and more drivers will hit the road each year, and massive crowding will inevitably arise.

Common, they always tell us to use public tranport by giving excuses like the oil shortage crisis, or that the process is cost efficient and we are doing a bid for the environment. Try telling that to a scholar or a financial hot shot to take public means and most probably they will shun you away because they are NOT going to give up their pursuit on a car. To them, a branded car symbolises elitism, power and superiority. "So what if you own a lancers, i gonna own a jaguar" is their only way of thinking sadly.

So would there be massive traffic congestion in the near future? The answer is quite obvious. Maybe the opening of the new KPE will alleviate the problem a little. But unless there is a world crisis like a sudden exhaustion of oil resources, the problem is here to stay.

I know i have been babbling on and on. This is a very random and probably my longest blog entry. It all arises because of a ride my friend gave me in his newly rented car. He had just received his licence weeks ago. My two other friends and myself in the car were admiring at his ability to control the steering wheel. To me, driving is a symbol of adulthood. Otherwise, i am still a kid if you know what i mean, a kid who is been driven around by an adult who is in actual reality my friend. That is why i am going to lay my hands on the licence no matter what. My two other friends are going to pick up driving as well due to influence.

It has just become another cheese for us rats to chase.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


每但我与身边的朋友和他们的家人交流时,我总会觉得我的家庭是独一无二的。我并不像许多朋友那样的富有。他们的爸妈都是受过高等教育,拥有薪资高的职业。 他们的生活也是多资多彩得, 都会在空闲时抽出时间和金钱到一些西洋餐馆或地方凝聚凝聚。相比之下,我的父母没受过教育,不识英文字, 没有月薪丰富的工作, 也从没有带我和妹妹去过太西洋化的地方。Mac 和 kfc 是有去过啦! 我指的是那些太昂贵的地方如 Pastamania, Swensens 等等。 有些连听都没听过,哪还会去呢? 呵呵。

虽然如此,我从不嫌弃自己的家庭背景, 也不会去羡慕朋友的奢华生活。他们驾的是豪华轿车,我们驾的是 Toyota 小型货车。因为前方不够位做(顶多三人坐),我只好呆在货车的后端。虽然行驶时吹不到冷气和拥有广播电台音乐的陪伴,我却能感受到强烈的风势和美丽的风景,也蛮不错呢!

我其实尝试过带父母去那些有名的西洋餐馆。 可是他们都会拒绝我,说不会吃那种食物。 所以我们每次都去咖啡店吃煮炒。那里有各种各样的菜肴,不但好吃又便宜。

所以朋友,要是你知道我一生中从没去过 Seoul Garden, 你可以笑我的无知和怀疑我的家庭抚养。但我却告诉你,我喜欢和家人在加冷一带团聚共享天外天火锅, 你可知道那是哪里吗?


Saturday, March 08, 2008

Just do it

It just came as a complete revelation. I have finally perfected a skill to empower people and get them motivated . Thanks to the insights gained from a friend's birthday party.

We always encounter difficulties whereby one has troubles getting people to attend outings because many of them won't give an answer and will just back out at the last min even if they have agreed to come.

Well, if your friend is unethusiatic or hesitant about attending gatherings or functions, try sending a very CUTE SMS imploring them to come. Dabbles with fonts, colours, whatever to make it interesting. Contents of the message as followed.

Friend, what you thinking? Don't think so much. Just comeeeeeeeeeeeee!:))))

You would be surprised at the effect of this message. Chances are that they will attend the event or functions. Cheers! This message can also be adjusted to suit the needs in different contexts. For example, you want to invite a friend along for running but he seems quite reluctant and undecisive. Tell him that he is thinking too much and ask him not to ponder, just run. You will see him saying okay to you in double quick time. Lolx

Oh yea, recently indulged in a reading spree in camp due to the sudden outburst of free time from being an admin clerk. Read like tons of books already. The only bad thing is that my camp forbids psp so i can't really play. Well, reading is a good thing to make the time pass by, although the activity is really passive i must say. My friend used to ask me how i managed to concentrate amid the noises and stares by superiors in the office. My answer to him is quite expected.

Don't think so much. Just read. :)

Saturday, March 01, 2008


Obsession with a song can sometimes do wonder to your soul or spirit. My ears are glued to this song for days already and still not sick of it.

Sorry to disappoint if you reckon this would be another piece from artistes like JJ or Jay chow.

歌手:胡杨林 专辑:香水有毒(宣传单曲)



