Wednesday, January 30, 2008


People are a bunch of funny things. They tend to have a second look at aberrations. Likewise for me, i tend to think that clubbers are interesting people, because i cannot understand the fun of clubbing. I guess that when one finds some element that is different, one will tend to notice it and will want to find out more. In the case of my scarred finger, i have begun to attract stares here and there. Coversely, if clubbers find conservative people like me reading a book, or using my free time to play boardgames like SCRABBLES instead of grooving high to some disco music. I would probably be their center of attention because i am against the "norm" to them. They might think i am a weirdo or something...hmmm...

Well,the point that i want to bring across is that cliques are formed based on this societal differences because birds of the same feathers flock together. In my army circle of friends, buddies of old times have moved on to forming new cliques and relationships have soured over times. It was because differences exist between me and my buddies. Many of my army friends are english speaking, love clubbing, love to sing english songs and the night life which i don't really have a passion for it. Although i can't say i don't, but theirs is a bit too frequent and extreme for me. Naturally, i find myself being an outcast and have moved on to joining new cliques. I also find myself speaking less and less to my buddies of old times, and will feel a tinge of sadness whenever they go clubbing and i don't get invited. I understand that it is my fault that my personality don't match theirs and i ain't really their good old buddy anymore, although i did was in the past... I do feel neglected sometimes, but i can't force myself to conform, otherwise i wouldn't be myself anymore.

I just wish i will fit in once again.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Something lurking in the mist!

Caught the movie The Mist recently which is a adaptation of the novella by horror author Stephen King. It is about a group of people being trapped in a supermarket by an outerworldly mist. Mayhem ensues when they realise that there are strange beings lurking in the mist which seek to eviscerate anyone who dares to venture outside. The group of people needs to pull themselves together in order to survive. One thing interesting about the movie is that it brings out the darkest nature of human behaviour in times of adversity as the protagonist not only have to fend off aliens, but also have to grapple with the people within the confined supermarket to prevent them from doing stupid things that would endanger everyone's lives. Highly recommended movie to all. The ending was also too unexpected that i walked out of the cinema feeling dazed and falling into a state of comatose.

This movie inspired me to read the book and i found that The Mist is actually found in the book Skeleton Crew which is an anthology of many short horror stories. Managed to borrow it at my nearby library. :) There is also a official movie book written by stephen king himself for this movie.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Class gathering!

Recently attended 2 class outings last week! Due to the fact that i am tired now, i won't describe much about the events. Anyway, i was really glad to see so many of my old friends because the turn up rate was good! Wish there would be more gatherings in the near future! Some photos for my memory. :)) One more thing, my army life had being really much admin stuff to do, store stuff to settle, items to be returned , indentations of items, unit rations forecast...Although my job scope is different now, it is still tough. Who says admin and store is slack in the 1st place? So much to do, so little time..

怎能忘记旧日朋友 心中能不欢笑!

Friday, January 04, 2008


有人说在兵营“度日如年”,这句话果然没错,简直就是经典话. 但因军事法令, 所以不能透露生活情况, 免得惹祸上身. 总之我在这里又做不完的琐事, 忙得不可开交. 本以为受了伤就没那么辛苦了, 看来大错特错了.

最近手指的疤痕也来也成熟, 红肿, 很难受....