Thursday, February 21, 2008

Up pes to escape tyranny?

Recently one of my army friend made a remarkable move and set an example for all Singapore sons to follow by upping his pes status from C to A.

For all those who are unclear of pes status, pes status determine your suitability for vocations in the SAF, with the fittest being graded A and the problematic ones being graded C or E, depending on how serious your medical conditions are.

Many people will therefore try to downgrade to pes C or E so that they can go into slack vocations which are often not demanding.

Upgrade is quite rare and virtually unheard of.

Apparently, this poor friend of mine was initially granted pes c and was given a role as an admin or clerk assitant. However, he confounded in me that work pressure in admin was so great that he would rather pick a rifle and fight in the front line then being arrowed by superiors to do clerical saikang. I was appalled.

Moral of the story is that life is camp is so f*** up no matter where you go.

261 days to ORD!

Must strive for ROD! No reservist. :)))


Anonymous said...

hey stumbled upon this place on google. i'm currently in the same predicament as your friend, and i'm considering upgrading PES. any idea of the outcome of his upgrade? did he complete his pes C BMT first and does he have to recourse BMT? opportunity for SISPEC/OCS?


Anonymous said...

He is now a rifleman in 3rd guards battalian. It is quite easy to up pes, just go for FFI and declare yourself fit. He finished his BMT be4 he got himself injured and downgraded to pes C, so no there's no recourse. Chances for SISPEC/OCS are practically zero. I have a friend who got conned by commanders to up pes, thinking that that can go command school. Sadly he is a combat medic now, used to be a clerk though.

Anonymous said...

haha guards.. sounds fun :) thanks for the tips man!