Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Summer is ending!!!

The much anticipated Summer is finally drawing to a close.. With about a month to go, I must seek to accomplish as much as possible before I get caught up in a mad grueling GPA chase all over again. =(

Summer has been much satisfying. =) The trip to Japan was really awesome because it really expanded my horizons. Ballooning Bliss Camp has also allowed me to make friends and to gain a new trait in balloons sculpting! The inaugural SICS Freshmen camp has proved to be challenging and fulfilling as it allows me to have a chance to organise a camp for my freshies!

Yea, too much fun. I am beginning to feel a sense of guilt already... I must remind myself of the goals that I have set for this year!!

1)Obtain my personal dream GPA

2)Do 10 pull-ups

3)Really practise my guitar.

4)Pick up more investment knowledge (e.y.e)

5) Be more witty and eloquent

6) Master my juggling stunts

7) Improve my general knowledge.


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